Rum sourcing made easy
E&A Scheer is a Rum company specialised in sourcing and blending Rum for over 3 centuries

Bulk Rum suppliers
Master blender and global supplier of Rum in bulk
As an independent company, E&A Scheer sources Rums from over 40 distilleries and origins worldwide. We ship these Rums to our specialised facility in Amsterdam, develop bespoke blends tailored to your requirements, then supply them in bulk with utmost consistency. Our team is constantly sourcing innovative new Rums to make sure our selection remains at the forefront of the industry.

Rum blends
in all

Our products
Our products
E&A Scheer provides access to an unrivalled selection of Rum, Cachaça, and Batavia Arrack from distilleries across the globe. We offer the complete spectrum of styles and profiles both in bulk and in individual casks. We are unique in offering this breadth of range – and this level of flexibility.

The Main Rum Company
Specialists in rare and aged Rums in cask
Our sister company, The Main Rum Company, offers rare and aged Rums in cask. Their impressive selection is sourced from a wide range of origins and distilleries, stored in their cellars for further maturation, and offers a unique opportunity to enter the fast-growing premium Rum market.

Recognised by the Dutch Royal Court

After blending and supplying bulk Rums across the globe over the last three centuries, E&A Scheer was exceptionally proud to be recognised by the Dutch Royal Court in 2017. The right to carry the royal mark is appointed only after the most scrupulous selection process and represents industry leadership, an untarnished reputation, and a distinguished track record of quality, reliability, and continuity.

Browse the latest resources & industry insights to learn more about our companies and the Rum world in general.